Le Mans, Médiathèque municipal 354 and Paris, BNF fr. 770, Estoire del saint Graal

Images from Le Mans MM 354 were photographed for the Lancelot-Grail Project by DIAMM and are reproduced by permission of the library.  BNF fr. 770 images were downloaded from Mandragore or photographed by Alison Stones and are reproduced by permission.
References are to the editions by Hucher (H II-III), Sommer (S I), and Ponceau (Pon).  Text is © Alison Stones.

H II 1
S I 3. 1
Pon 1. 3. 1

Le Mans f. 1
Four-part miniature: top left:  The hermit-narrator receives the book from heaven: hermit-narrator (shown as curly-haired man), in bed; haloed wingless figure emerges from sky holding book; top right: hermit-narrator encounters the composite beast: horned, lion-like animal which turns it head to look at him; bottom left: hermit-narrator meets the madman: hermit, accompanied by man in cale sees child on ground, who turns head back to look at them; bottom right: Josephé on his deathbed transmits the Grail to Alain, watched by a follower man in bed, man hands him escuelle, watched by another man standing at foot of bed.
Chil ki la hauece et la segnorie de si haute estoire com est lestoire del graal...

BNF fr. 770 f. 1
Two-part miniature, one register in cols. a and b.
a: Angel hands down book to sleeping hermit author (wearing academic hat); b:
the hermit-narrator (academic hat) encounters the composite beast: lion-like animal with big ears (no horns) which turns it head to look at him. 
Chil ki la hateche et la signorie de si haute estore com est cele del graal...

H II 39
S I 12.30+var; Pon 22.1+var
Interpolation from Robert de Boron, Joseph

Le Mans f. 7v
C, Joseph, wearing a hat, preaches; bottom border: man in cale raises sword at dragon which has his left hand in its jaw.
Ce doiuent sauoir tot boin crestien...
BNF fr. 770, f. 6
Crucifixion with Mary and John, green cross.
Ce doiuent sauoir tout boin crestien...

H II 72
S I 15. 14
Pon 28. 39. 4

Le Mans f. 11
A, champie initial
Av jour que Ihesu Cris fu crucefies...

BNF fr. 770, f. 8v
A, Joseph (robed as a pilgrim with hair robe, scrip and staff) asks Pilate (crowned) for Christ's body;or Joseph talking to Emperor Vespasian.
Av jour que Ihesu Cris fu crucefies...

S I 20. 11
Pon 39. 58. 1+var

BNF fr. 770, f. 13
Joseph and his followers walk towards a city gate.
Or repaire li contes la v uaspasiens se part de Joseph et de iherusalem...

H II 135
S I 22. 34
Pon 47. 71. 1

Le Mans f. 21
A, Annunciation to the Virgin: Gabriel holds scroll, raises index finger; pot containing flowering plant; Virgin raises right hand, hold book in left; bottom border: hybrid creature with female head wearing hair net and touret bound under chin turns to look at ape.
Av tans augustini ceram La boam emperaour roume...

BNF fr. 770, f. 15
Joseph and his followers explain the Annnunciation to King Evalach
Av tans augustini cesarem lo boan empereeur de Rome...

S I 29. 17-19
Pon 65. 99. 1+ var

BNF fr. 770 f. 18v
O, party bar penflourished initial
Or laisserons atant ester du roi si dirons de Joseph qui se gisoit en son lit molt pensis...

S I 30. 16
Pon 69. 105.1

BNF fr. 770 f. 19v
Joseph (academic hat) and folowers kneel before altar with chalice on it and are blessed by a haloed figure emerging from cloud.
Or dit li contes que au matin si tost come joseph vit laube...

H II, 173
S I 31. 29
Pon 72.110.1

Le Mans f. 30
Josephé in the ark: flanked by 4 red angels holding cross, lance, nails, Josephé, robed and mitred, stands at draped altar with partly veiled chalice on it and is blessed by Christ, also painted red.  Animal-head terminals.  Bottom border: man wearing cale carrying white shield rides towards snail, wielding sword.
O, foliate initial
Or vien auant Josephe li miens siergans car tu es dignes diestre menistres...

BNF fr. 770 f. 20
Or vien auant Josehe li miens serjans...
H II 202
S I 44.12
Pon 93.146.1

Le Mans f. 37v
T, champie initial
Tantost comme Josephes eut chou dit si pierdi chil laparole...

BNF fr. 770 f. 25
T, party bar penflourished initial
Tantost comme Iosephes eut ce dit si perdi cil la parole...

S I 46. 18
Pon 97. 153. 1

BNF fr. 770 f. 26v
M, party bar penflourished initial
Maistre or me dites quele lauision fu et que le senefie...

S I 51. 3
Pon 106. 169. 22

BNF fr. 770 f. 28
Messenger hands sealed letter to King Evalach (housing orange a diamond-shaped cross white) riding followed by his army
Or dit li contes que quant il fu entrez en la coyne por soi garandir si apela vn sien serjant ...

H II 244
S I 58. 21
Pon 116. 185.1

Le Mans f. 47
C, Mounted combat between Seraphe and Evalach and King Tholomer and his men, shields gules a chief argent [white], azure, gules, argent [white] a cross gules.  Young man head terminal; knight terminal holding sword and buckler (gules a rose argent [white])
Chi dist li contes que la v les gens seraphes combatirent...

BNF fr. 770 f. 31
Two kings (shield and housing azure an eagle or and shield argent [white] a cross gules) ride to right
Or dist li contes que la v les gens seraphe se combatoient as .iiii. batailles...

H II 254
S I 62.5
Pon 127.203.4

Rubric: Cest ci si comme tholomers li rois enmena eualac quant il leut pris viers la forest
Le Mans f. 49v-a
King Tholomer routed by Evalach (housing and shield fessy of 6 argent [white] and azure a bend gules, ailettes and surcoat white) rides to right and looks back at Evalach (ailette and surcoat white, housing gules, shield argent [white] a cross gules) who follows, on horseback.  Animal-head terminal
Et si menoient auoec lui .xv. ce ses chevaliers tous montes...

H II 255
S I 62. 21+var,
Pon 128. 204. 9

Rubric: Cest chi si comme nostre sires enuoia le blaz chevalier ki vescoust eualach quant tholomers lenmenoit pris:-

Le Mans f. 49v-b
The White Knight intervenes in support of King Evalach: White Knight (surcoat argent [white], housing and shield argent [white] a cross gules) rides to left, followed by King Tholomer and Evalach (heraldry of both as before). 
Si tost com il eut ches paroles dites si regarde deuant lui...
Bottom border: youth wields club and buckler

H II, 264
S I 66. 18
Pon 134. 216. 1

Le Mans f. 52
L, champie initial
Li contes dist que la feme Evalach...

BNF fr. 770 f. 34
Queen Sarracinte talking to Josephé and his followers.
Ci [sic] contes dist et deuise que la feme eualac estoit vne dame molt bele et mollt sage qui estoit apelee saracinte...

H II 290
S I 74.22
Pon 153. 246.4

Rubric (f. 58v): Cest chi si com vns hom ki auoit le puing colpe wari dou puing qant il le toucha al blanc escut a le crois vermelle par le grase nostre seignour.
Le Mans f. 59-a
Conversion of Seraphe and Evalach: Beneath two triple arches, 2 men (Seraphe and Evalach) stand before Josephe, seated, wearing academic hat, holding shield argent (white) a cross gules with the crucified Christ on it (miraculously revealed to Evalach during the battle).
Iosephe se tes dieus a signant pooir comme tu li tiesmongnes...
BNF fr. 770 f. 37v
C [sic] party bar penflourished initial
[E]nsi est Josephe en la cite de sarras entre lui et les autres crestiens...

H II, 292
S I 74. 31
Pon 154.247.5

Rubric: Cest chi si comme Josephe baptissa seraphe ki or non naschiens et Eualach ki or non li rois mordrains
Le Mans f. 59-b
Baptism of King Evalach and Seraphe: Watched by 2 standing men, Josephé, wearing academic hat, stands blessing the 2 naked figures (one crowned) in huge chalice-shaped font; bottom border: seated ape left; standing bear-like creature wearing ecclesiastical robes, holding book.
Lors le bautisa Josephes El non del pere et del fil et del .s. esperit...
BNF fr. 770 f. 39
A, party bar penflourished initial
A ceste parple corurent al baptesme molt grant partie de gent..

S I 79. 6
Pon 163. 262. 14

BNF fr. 770 f. 40v
Party-bar penflourished initial.
En tel maniere comme vous auez oi fu li regnes de sarras conquis...

H II, 321
S I 83. 29
Pon 174. 285. 12

Le Mans f. 67
O, King Mordrain and Queen Sarracinte in bed together.  Hooded male terminal holding round object; bottom border centaur turns back having shot arrow from bow.
Or sen vait Iosephes et sa compaignie par le plaisir et par le coumandement de Nostre Segnour...

BNF fr. 770 f. 42v
King Mordrain and Queen Sarracinte in bed together.
Or sen vait Josephes et sa compaignie par le plaisir et par le commandement Nostre Signeur...
H II 331
S I 86. 30
Pon 181. 296. 1

Le Mans f. 69v
C, champie initial
Chi endroit dist li conte et devise que qant li rois fu leves dou lit...
BNF fr. 770 f. 44
C, party-bar penflourished initial.
Chi endroit dist li conte et devise que quant li rois fu leues dou lit...

BNF fr. 770, f. 44v
A, Queen Sarracinte and Nascien (crowned) sitting talking.
Atant sen aalent a la court et troverent Nascien et la roine qui li faisoit grant duel...

H II, 338
S I 88. 28
Pon 186. 303. 1

Le Mans f. 71v
L, champie initial
Li contes dist chi endroit que li roys Mordrains fu portes lonc de son resne...

BNF fr. 770 f. 45
King Mordrain sitting on the island.
Lestoire conte chi endroit que li rois mordrains fu porte loins de son regne xvii iorneees...

H II, 353
S I 93. 8
Pon 197. 319. 2+var

Le Mans f. 75
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que moult fu li roys Mordrains esbahis...

BNF fr. 770 f. 47v
O, King Mordrain sitting on the island raising an index finger.
Or dist li contes que moult fu li rois Mordrains esbahis...

H II 405
S I 107. 24
Pon 232. 375. 1

Le Mans f. 88
C, Nasciens pushed through door of prison.  Bear-headed terminal
Chi endroit dist li contes que Nasciens fu mis en tel maniere comme vous aues oit en prison...
BNF fr. 770 f. 55
Celidoine pushed by a soldier into the prison where Nascien is sitting.
Chi endroit dit li contes que Nasciens fu mis en tele maniere com vous auez oi en la prison...

H II 418
S I 111. 19
Pon 242. 389. 1

Le Mans f. 91v
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que qant Nasciens fu mis en prison...
BNF fr. 770 f. 57
O, party-bar penflourished initial
Or dist li contes que qant Nasciens fu mis en prison calafer...

H II 428
S I 114. 30
Pon 249. 401. 1

Le Mans f. 94
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes chi endroit que qant la mains en eut portet Nasciens...
BNF fr. 770 f. 58
O, party-bar penflourished initial
Or dist li contes chi endroit que qant la mains en eut portet Nascien...

S I 124. 3
Pon 266. 428. 3

BNF fr. 770 f. 62 
Nascien on Solomon's ship draws aside the sail to see the bed and pillow (no fuissiaus, crown, or sword are shown).
Or dit li contes q'en mi liu dou lit tot a droiture auoit fichiet vn fuisiel par devant...

H II 484
S I 136. 35
Pon 291. 461. 1

Le Mans f. 110
O, Nascien looks at the bed on the boat.  There is a pillow in a check cover but no fuissiaus.  Top border: knight terminal holding seord; bottom: cleric terminal holding open book.
Or dist li contes que grant pieche resgarda Nasciens les iii fusiaux dont li lis estoit et por savoir...

BNF fr. 770 f. 66v
Nascien in the water below the boat with bed (two curtains frame the bed, no fuissiaus).
Or dit li contes q ue tant regarda Nasciens les .iii. fuisiaus dont li lis estoit avirones...

H II 496
S I 141. 33
Pon 299. 473. 1

Le Mans f. 113
E, champie initial
En ceste partie dist li contes que qant les neuf mains en eurent porte Celidoine...

BNF fr. 770 f. 68
E, party-bar penflourished initial.
En ceste partie dit li contes que quant les.ix. mains en orent porte celydoine...

H II 533
S I 158. 23
Pon 328. 515. 1

Le Mans f. 123
O, Celidoine's boat is pushed off from the shore by 2 men; border: rebec player terminal wearing tall pointed hat, dancer terminal with raised hands.
Or dist li contes ici endroit del S. Graal et devise que quant...
BNF fr. 770 f. 73v
Celidoine's boat is pushed off from the shore by 2 men upon orders from a third man.
Or dit li contes ichi endroitqui est apieles li contes du saint Graal et devise que quant...

H III, 10
S I 164. 4
Pon 337. 529. 1

Le Mans f. 126v 
O, Flegentine's four messengers ride in search of her husband Nascien; border terminals: bagpiper, knight wielding club and buckler.
Or dist li contes que li v. messasges furent parti de lour dame ainsi montet com il estoient...

BNF fr. 770, f. 75v
O, Flegentine's messenters (three shown) ride; border: knight holding red shield, wearing tall pointed hat over mail coif.
Or dit li contes que quant li v. messasge furent parti de leur dame quil cheuauchent...

H III, 29
S I 171.1
Pon 349. 545. 1

Le Mans f. 130v
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que voirs fu et lestoire des phylosophyes le tesmongne que Ipocras fu li plus souvrains clers...

BNF fr. 770 f. 77v
O, party-bar penflourished initial.
Or dist li contes que voirs fu et lestoire des philosofes le tesmoigne que ypocras fu li plus sourains clerg...

H III 73
S I 182. 34
Pon 370. 578. 1

Le Mans f. 137
C, Damsel and 2 messengers read letters written on Hippocrates’ house (not shown here) explaining that the philosopher had been put to death by his wife’s trickery.  Border terminals: youth’s head, bear’s head.
Chi endroit dist li context ke kant li doi message et la damoisiele Qui avoec iaus estoient orent grant piece resgardee la maison Ypocras...

BNF fr. 770 f. 81v
Damsel and two messegers point to house and mound (the tomb ?) in front of it.
Chi endroit dit li contes que quant li doi message et la damoisele Qui avoec aus estoit orent grant piece regardee la maison et la tombe ypocras...

H III, 123
S I 207. 24
Pon 410. 645. 1

Le Mans f. 151
O, Nascien’s wife Flegentine discusses his whereabouts with 3 messengers.  Border terminal: cleric reading open book; border figures: stone thrower; elephant with 2 knights in castle on its back.
Or dist li contes que qant naschiens se fu partis de bellyc si comme il vous est ia deviset deuant Flegentine sa femme...

BNF fr. 770 f. 90
Q, Flegentine (crowned) sitting grieving.  Border: knight terminal holding buckler and raising the other hand.
Or dist li contes que quant nasciens se fu partis de bellic si comme il vous a este deviset Flegentine sa femme...

H III, 126
S I 208. 21
Pon 412. 648. 1

Le Mans f. 152
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que qant Josef se fut partis de Sarras...

BNF fr. 770 f. 90v
God in cloud (red halo, no cross) points at sleeping Josephé who lies under a tree on the left with his folowers asleep on the ground on the right.
Or endroit dist li contes que quant Ioseph se fu partis de Sarras...

H III, 133
S I 212. 31
Pon 419. 661. 1

f. 155 (image on verso missed by photographer)
Le Mans f. 155v
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que qant li preudons qui a Naschien eut contee...

BNF fr. 770 f. 92
O, party-bar penflourished initial
Or dist li contes que quant li preudons qui a Nasciens eut devisee la senefiance du brief...

H III, 146
S I 219. 11
Pon 431. 682.1

Le Mans f. 158v
C, champie initial
Chi endrolit dist li contes que qant li dus se fu couchies en son lit...

BNF fr. 770 f. 94
C, Duke Ganor in bed; border: praying man terminal faces Ganor.
Chi endrolit dit li contes que quant li dus se fu couchies en son lit...

H III, 169
S I 231. 4
Pon 453. 720.1

Le Mans f. 166
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes ke kant Josephes se fu partis de Galafort...

BNF fr. 770 f. 98
Josephé's companions, one carrying the Grail shown as a deep bowl walk towards a city gate.
Or dit li contes ke que quant Josephes se fu partis de Galafort...

H III, 235
S I 266. 3
Pon 519. 821. 1

Le Mans f. 188
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que a celui point que Symeons en fu portes...

BNF fr. 770 f. 110v
O, Two of Josephé's followers look at Symeu in his pit.
Or dist li contes que a celi point que Symeons en fu portes...

H III 245
S I 270. 1
Pon 527. 833.1

Le Mans f. 190v 
C, The daughter of King Orcaut and two of her ladies standing the door of their castle see Pierre asleep in his boat; border terminals: bear and bird biting its own neck.
Chi endroit dit li contes ke quant la naciele u pieres estoit se fu eslongie de la rive...

BNF fr. 770 f. 111v
Perron, standing in a boat, bids farewell to Pharain on shore.
Chi endroit dit li contes que quant la nacele  ou pierres estoit se fu eslongie de la riue...

H III, 271
S I 281. 9
Pon 548. 864. 1

Le Mans f. 197v
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes en ceste partie que qant Josesphes se fu partis de Pieron...

BNF fr. 770 f. 115v
O, Josephé and followers bit farewell to Perron.
Or dist li contes en ceste partie que qant Josesph eu fu partis de Pieron...

H III, 279
S I 284. 21
Pon 555. 874. 1

Le Mans f. 199v
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que qant Josephes se fu partis et il ot couronne Galaad...

BNF fr. 770 f. 116v
O, party bar penflourished initial
Or dit li contes que quant Joseph sen fu partis et il or coronet Galaad sen frere...

H III, 282
S I 286. 1
Pon 557. 878. 1

Le Mans f. 200v
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que qant Josephes vit que il estoit el trespassement...

BNF fr. 770 f. 117v
O, Josphé on his deathbed hand the Grail (a white bowl) to Alain.  Border: knight-hybrid terminal holding buckler gules a bend cotised argent [white] and wielding club.
Or dit li contes que quant iosephes uit quil estoit el trespassement du siecle...

H III 296
S I 291.7
Pon 567. 893. 1

Le Mans f. 204v
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que qant Josephe se fu partis dicest siecle...

BNF fr. 770 f. 119v
O, party bar penflourished initial.
Or dit li contes que quant ioseph se fu partis  de cest siecle...

H III, 297
S I 291. 21
Pon 568.894.1

Le Mans f. 205
O, champie initial
Or dist li contes que qant Celydoines se fu partis de son pere...

BNF fr. 770 f. 119v-2
Celydoine and his followers ride.
Or dit li contes que qant Celydoines se fu partis de sen pere...

BNF fr. 770 f. 120v
Text ends incomplete at end of quire,' et en ce qui'il se fu abaissies pour boire li dus li vint par deriere/cw lespee traite/

Le Mans f. 207v Text ends complete f. 207v
Explicit and Colophon
written by Walterus de Kayo